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CALL FOR PAPERS SEMICERCHIO: RIVISTA DI POESIA COMPARATA “Migration and Identity” The thematic dossier of the 2019/2 issue of Semicerchio (vol. 61) will be devoted to “Migrations and Identity”. It will reflect on the connections between migratory processes and individual/collective sense of self, in its linguistic, generic, gender, class and national implications. The journal is ready to evaluate and publish contributions about this topic in relation to every poetical domain and epoch of world literatures, with special (but not exclusive) focus on postcolonial anglophone poetry. Translations of poetic texts or small anthologies, theoretical essays, textual analysis, reflections on translation issues and comparative approaches on linguistic areas such as English, Italian, French, Spanish, German and Latin are welcome. Abstracts must be submitted by 31.01.19. Submissions of complete contributions (max 25,000 characters) must be sent to semicerchiorpc@libero.it by 30.4.2019.