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20 anni di Semicerchio. Indice 1-34
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Visits since 10 July '98
The Journal

Semicerchio is the first Italian journal of comparative poetry, having been founded in Florence by a group of writers and scholars in 1985, now based at the University of Siena, Center for Comparative Studies "I Deug-Su". Semicerchio focuses on poetry from the antiquity to the present with special attention to the international scenario and intercultural relationships, and to thematic criticism and the literature of migrants.

Semicerchio features a section devoted to anthropological issues explored in their poetical expression through scholarly research and anthologies of texts. Other sections include essays, new poems from Italy and abroad, and a large number of book reviews from all around the world covering, among others, classical and medieval poetry, performative verse, Arabic, African, Iranic, Lithuanian, Greek and Indian poetry. A strict philological approach to the analysis and the selection of the texts, together with a careful attention to the cultural and social changes makes Semicerchio one of the most advanced and consulted instruments of research among scholars and lovers of poetry in Italy and abroad - an ideal bridge between research, criticism and up-to-date education.

Thirty specialists in European and non-European poetry form the editorial staff of Semicerchio which, through the years, has hosted the writing and the poems of eminent contributers such as Adonis, Horacio Armani, Mario Benedetti, Mohammed Bennis, Ana Blandiana, Yves Bonnefoy, Josif Brodskij, Mahmud Darwish, Michel Deguy, Antonis Fostieris, Hans Georg Gadamer, Michail Gasparov, Jean-Marie Gleize, Jorie Graham, Seamus Heaney, Antony Hecht, Yusef Komuniakaa, Günter Kunert, Reiner Kunze, Mario Luzi, Valerio Magrelli, Jarosłav Mikołajewski, Les Murray, Vesna Parun, Michalis Pierìs, Edoardo Sanguineti, Charles Simic, Wole Soyinka, Arundhathi Subramaniam, Ana Paula Tavares, Charles Wright, Andrea Zanzotto, Jan Ziolkowski, Paul Zumthor as well as younger writers. Among the latters, the Italian poets Rosaria Lo Russo, Giacomo Trinci, Elisa Biagini, Antonello Satta Centanin (Aldo Nove), Enzo Fileno Carabba, and Federico Condello have published first on Semicerchio. The journal has also hosted a large number of first translations from ancient, medieval and modern poetry (for a list please consult http://www.unisi.it/semicerchio).

The journal is peer rewieved and the articles and texts submitted to "Semicerchio" are evaluated by competent members of the international Advisory Board. "Semicerchio" complies with the ERIH-Plus criteria. Abstracts in English and affiliations of the authors are listed in the website. 

Since 1989, Semicerchio has organized a series of public events, in cooperation with Italian and foreign institutions, such as the yearly Workshop of Poetic Writing co-produced with the city of Florence and attended by students and poets from all over Italy which is the first example in Tuscany of a creative writing school. This educational experiment has now been brought to the attention of readers in recent histories of militant contemporary literature (see, for instance, Le regioni della poesia, Milan 1996; Lezioni di poesia, Florence 2000) for its interactive methodologies, developed under the leadership of eminent scholars and poets, and for its international frame of reference. Some of the courses organized by Semicerchio have grown within research projects developed with public institutions in Florence, in Rimini and elsewhere, sometimes under the aegis of the European Commission. Among these institutions are the Ministero dei Beni Culturali, Gabinetto Vieusseux, British Institute, Carlo Marchi Foundation, Syracuse University, Franceschini Foundation, Institut Français, and the Italian Culture Institut in Munich.

The most relevant cultural enterprises include the International Seminar of Comparative Metrics in 1994 (with Michail Gasparov), the Josif Brodsky Lectures in 1995, a three-day conference on Montale translated by poets in 1996, a four-day meeting on Bible and Poetry from the Middle Ages to ‘900 in 1997, seminars on Interculturality of European Poetry in 1998-99, from 2000 on the Festival of Medieval Poetry at Rimini, a reading by Derek Walcott promoted by the Foundation Il Fiore in 2000, the 2006 festival Dante. Arte generating art, from 2007 on the poetic readings of Confluenze in Arezzo.

The association Cenobio Fiorentino, strictly connected with Semicerchio, has become the interpreter of cultural and civil issues and has worked actively in the promotion and in the realization of events of public resonance such as the Young Artist Archive Award; the organization, with the journal "Pioggia Obliqua", of a public poetry reading in Palazzo Medici-Riccardi as a protest against the 1993 bombing; and, since 1997, the book series "Citizens of Poetry", edited by Mia Lecomte, which publishes Italian poetry by migrant writers. In 2000 Semicerchio took part in the intercultural project of the Regione Toscana Portofranco. Since 1996 the journal has been under the auspices of the Department of Research on the Cultural Traditions of the University of Siena.

The editorial addresses are Dip. Philology and literary criticism (University of Siena), via ROma 56, 53100 Siena, e-mail centrostudicomparati@unisi.it, direzione piazza Leopoldo 9, 50134 Firenze.

The journal is published by PACINI Editore (http://www.pacinieditore.it), and distributed to subscribers and in bookstores (Feltrinelli and others) by PDE. Through year-long exchanges with other international journals, Semicerchio has developed a "Library of International Poetry Journals" catalogued at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia in Arezzo.

Semicerchio is member of the Association for the Studies of Comparative Theory and History of Literature, and of the International Association of Comparative Literature. In 1998, Semicerchio received the Fiesole Prize and the Special Prize for Translation awarded by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.

19 settembre 2024
Biblioteca Lettere Firenze: Mostra copertine Semicerchio e letture primi 70 volumi

21 aprile 2024
Addio ad Anna Maria Volpini

9 dicembre 2023
Semicerchio in dibattito a "Più libri più liberi"

15 ottobre 2023
Semicerchio al Salon de la Revue di Parigi

30 settembre 2023
Il saggio sulla Compagnia delle Poete presentato a Viareggio

11 settembre 2023
Presentazione di Semicerchio sulle traduzioni di Zanzotto

11 settembre 2023
Recensibili 2023

26 giugno 2023
Dante cinese e coreano, Dante spagnolo e francese, Dante disegnato

21 giugno 2023
Tandem. Dialoghi poetici a Bibliotecanova

6 maggio 2023
Blog sulla traduzione

9 gennaio 2023
Addio a Charles Simic

9 dicembre 2022
Semicerchio a "Più libri più liberi", Roma

15 ottobre 2022
Hodoeporica al Salon de la Revue di Parigi

13 maggio 2022
Carteggio Ripellino-Holan su Semicerchio. Roma 13 maggio

26 ottobre 2021
Nuovo premio ai traduttori di "Semicerchio"

16 ottobre 2021
Immaginare Dante. Università di Siena, 21 ottobre

11 ottobre 2021
La Divina Commedia nelle lingue orientali

8 ottobre 2021
Dante: riletture e traduzioni in lingua romanza. Firenze, Institut Français

21 settembre 2021
HODOEPORICA al Festival "Voci lontane Voci sorelle"

11 giugno 2021
Laboratorio Poesia in prosa

4 giugno 2021
Antologie europee di poesia giovane

28 maggio 2021
Le riviste in tempo di pandemia

28 maggio 2021
De Francesco: Laboratorio di traduzione da poesia barocca

21 maggio 2021
Jhumpa Lahiri intervistata da Antonella Francini

11 maggio 2021
Hodoeporica. Presentazione di "Semicerchio" 63 su Youtube

7 maggio 2021
Jorie Graham a dialogo con la sua traduttrice italiana

23 aprile 2021
La poesia di Franco Buffoni in spagnolo

22 marzo 2021
Scuola aperta di Semicerchio aprile-giugno 2021

19 giugno 2020
Poesia russa: incontro finale del Virtual Lab di Semicerchio

1 giugno 2020
Call for papers: Semicerchio 63 "Gli ospiti del caso"

30 aprile 2020
Laboratori digitali della Scuola Semicerchio

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Pacini Editore
Semicerchio è pubblicata col patrocinio del Dipartimento di Teoria e Documentazione delle Tradizioni Culturali dell'Università di Siena viale Cittadini 33, 52100 Arezzo, tel. +39-0575.926314, fax +39-0575.926312
web design: Gianni Cicali

Semicerchio, piazza Leopoldo 9, 50134 Firenze - tel./fax +39 055 495398