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numero (2020)

62 (2020/1) Tradurre i classici: l'opera di Pietro Tripodo

a cura di Niccol? Scaffai

(scarica pdf)

Niccol? Scaffai 3

Eleonora Rimolo 6

Zeno Verlato 12

Alice Cencetti 29

Roberta Alviti 35

Anna Belozorovich

Recensioni 81
Riviste / Journals 105

"S'io fossi poeta, / un poeta gentile, canterei /
per gli occhi vostri un s? puro cantare / quale,
sul marmo bianco, l'acqua limpida: Pietro
Tripodo traduce Antonio Machado
Universit? degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
The essay focuses on Pietro Tripodo's translation of
sixteen poems by Antonio Machado, one of the most
important names of twentieth-century Spanish poetry.
The aim of the essay is to analyse the translation
strategies that Tripodo employed to set up his Italian
version. As a matter of fact, Tripodo's rifacimenti are
the result of a careful work of philological excavation,
interpretation and appropriation of Machado's poems,
according to his intention to reproduce at least the
rhythmic pattern of the original text, with its various
line measures and its arrangement of stanzas.

L'allargarsi della coscienza
Sapienza Universit? di Roma, DSEAI
The article analyzes the writings of Kazimir Malevich
and the self-translation processes found between texts
of a philosophical nature and his poetry. The analysis is
based on three texts written between 1916 and 1918,
the first being a note followed by two poems. All three
texts deal with themes that are peculiar of Malevich's
philosophical reflection, such as the widening of consciousness
and detachment from the earth. The significant
analogies that emerge between the texts allow to
observe mainly two phenomena: on the one hand, the
content exposed in the note migrates into the poem
reacting to its formal structure. Versification therefore
generates a distribution of contents that has its own
expressive power. Secondly, the transfer of reflection
from essay to poem allows the content itself to undergo
changes and to evolve. The analysis suggests
that the poetic form may represent a fertile space for
the development of Malevich's philosophical thought.
"Imitabere Pana canendo". Pietro Tripodo traduttore
del Pascoli latino
Universit? degli Studi di Firenze
This essay analyses the relationship between Pietro
Tripodo and Giovanni Pascoli's Latin poetry. Particular
attention was paid to his unpublished translation
of Pascoli's "Catullocalvos". Its main peculiarities (love
and a deep interest in language) arise here also from a
comparison with the remakes of the Latin Epigrams by
the poet from Romagna in Tripodo's "Other visions".

Traduzione e riscrittura in Pietro Tripodo: Orazio,
Ausonio, Catullo
Universit? degli Studi di Salerno
The essay analyses some remakes of classical texts
by Pietro Tripodo. The style is high and the poet chooses
words that are very sought after and not commonly
used, mostly of Latin ancestry: everything, however,
is linked to a process of remaking. In addition to the
rewriting of Horace's Carme I, XI in Altre visioni, four
unpublished texts by Tripod, belonging to an unpublished
collection entitled Flora, which is kept by Ignazio
Visco, a friend of the poet, are going to be analysed:
Horace's Carme I, IX ad Thaliarcum, the epigram XVIII
ad uxorem by Ausonio and Catullus carmina XCVI ET
LXXII. The encounter between the language of Tripod
and the classical language is a real collision of crossreferences
and references that stratify creating a third
language, alienating but involving; it manages to bring
the reader from the starting text to the one of arrival
preserving the classical atmospheres but succeeding
in placing them in a corrupted contemporaneity, which
has emptied the myth and denied the classical.

Pietro Tripodo, la traduzione come figura
Universit? di Siena, DFCLAM
Pietro Tripodo (Rome, 1948-1999) was a poet
and translator of some of the most important authors
of ancient, medieval and modern tradition
such as Callimachus, Catullus, Horace, Arnaut
Daniel, Trakl, George, Val?ry. The four essays in the
dossier published in this issue all focus on Tripod's
translations from different languages and poets and
in all cases the analysis has extended from linguistic
facts to the literary relationship and creative processes
that oversee the remakes as well as Tripod's
writing with or without verse. Eleonora Rimolo's essay
focuses on translations and Tripod's relationship
with classical culture; Alice Cencetti's essay is
dedicated to translations from Pascoli's Latin works;
Zeno Verlato's essay examines translations by Arnaut
Daniel; finally, Roberta Alviti's essay contains an
in-depth analysis of Tripod's translations by Antonio

Pietro Tripodo traduttore di Arnaut Daniel
CNR-Istituto Opera del Vocabolario Italiano (OVI)
In 1997, Pietro Tripodo published his translation of
the troubadour Arnaut Daniel's poems, a few months
before the worsening of the illness that led him to a
premature death. As the present essay aims to show,
such publication of Arnaut's production was the last
phase of Tripodo's relentless engagement with translation,
which proceeded in parallel with his commitment
as a poet. Translation, in the economy of Tripodo's
oeuvre, was, in fact, a rifacimento ("remake") and
played a key role in defining poetry as the embodiment
of atemporal formal values. This was, probably, a
consequence of his musings on Paul Val?ry's poetics.
My essay will demonstrate, through a comparison with
a different translation of Arnaut published a few years
later by the poet Fernando Bandini, the specificity of
Tripodo's work. Finally, my paper will show, through an
analysis of the relationship between the translation of
Arnaut and the collection of lyrical prose Vampe del
tempo, the last that Tripodo published, how Tripodo's
activity as a translator deeply contributed to the formation
of his language and poetic style.
19 settembre 2024
Biblioteca Lettere Firenze: Mostra copertine Semicerchio e letture primi 70 volumi

19 settembre 2024
Il saluto del Direttore Francesco Stella

16 settembre 2024
Guida alla mostra delle copertine, rassegna stampa web, video 25 anni

21 aprile 2024
Addio ad Anna Maria Volpini

9 dicembre 2023
Semicerchio in dibattito a "Più libri più liberi"

15 ottobre 2023
Semicerchio al Salon de la Revue di Parigi

30 settembre 2023
Il saggio sulla Compagnia delle Poete presentato a Viareggio

11 settembre 2023
Presentazione di Semicerchio sulle traduzioni di Zanzotto

11 settembre 2023
Recensibili 2023

26 giugno 2023
Dante cinese e coreano, Dante spagnolo e francese, Dante disegnato

21 giugno 2023
Tandem. Dialoghi poetici a Bibliotecanova

6 maggio 2023
Blog sulla traduzione

9 gennaio 2023
Addio a Charles Simic

9 dicembre 2022
Semicerchio a "Più libri più liberi", Roma

15 ottobre 2022
Hodoeporica al Salon de la Revue di Parigi

13 maggio 2022
Carteggio Ripellino-Holan su Semicerchio. Roma 13 maggio

26 ottobre 2021
Nuovo premio ai traduttori di "Semicerchio"

16 ottobre 2021
Immaginare Dante. Università di Siena, 21 ottobre

11 ottobre 2021
La Divina Commedia nelle lingue orientali

8 ottobre 2021
Dante: riletture e traduzioni in lingua romanza. Firenze, Institut Français

21 settembre 2021
HODOEPORICA al Festival "Voci lontane Voci sorelle"

11 giugno 2021
Laboratorio Poesia in prosa

4 giugno 2021
Antologie europee di poesia giovane

28 maggio 2021
Le riviste in tempo di pandemia

28 maggio 2021
De Francesco: Laboratorio di traduzione da poesia barocca

21 maggio 2021
Jhumpa Lahiri intervistata da Antonella Francini

11 maggio 2021
Hodoeporica. Presentazione di "Semicerchio" 63 su Youtube

7 maggio 2021
Jorie Graham a dialogo con la sua traduttrice italiana

23 aprile 2021
La poesia di Franco Buffoni in spagnolo

22 marzo 2021
Scuola aperta di Semicerchio aprile-giugno 2021

19 giugno 2020
Poesia russa: incontro finale del Virtual Lab di Semicerchio

1 giugno 2020
Call for papers: Semicerchio 63 "Gli ospiti del caso"

30 aprile 2020
Laboratori digitali della Scuola Semicerchio

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Semicerchio è pubblicata col patrocinio del Dipartimento di Teoria e Documentazione delle Tradizioni Culturali dell'Università di Siena viale Cittadini 33, 52100 Arezzo, tel. +39-0575.926314, fax +39-0575.926312
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